Ellos Sieiddeduottar!
– Let Sieiddeduottar live!

Ellos Sieiddeduottar!
2024 / Screen print in 40x50cm

Screen printed by 10/10 Tekstiltrykkeri on Munken Pure Rough 300g paper, in a limited edition of 50 copies.

The proposal by Fortum Nordkraft Vind DA in Narvik to regulate the area around Skarvberget/Sieidi for the establishment of a wind power plant has sparked a contentious debate in Porsanger municipality.

This initiative raises concerns about the potential transformation of a region historically used for diverse activities across generations into an industrial zone. The proposed wind energy project not only intersects with Sami reindeer herding lands but also affects recreational pursuits such as fishing in mountain lakes, hiking, skiing, and snowmobiling. Moreover, it encompasses areas significant for cultural heritage, including ancient settlements, sacred sites, and traditional knowledge embedded in local narratives and place names. As the Porsanger municipal council convenes to deliberate on the matter, stakeholders emphasize the necessity for a comprehensive evaluation considering environmental, social, and cultural ramifications, particularly in light of ongoing disputes over land rights in Finnmark.

I was commissioned to design an art poster to symbolize the protest against the proposed wind power project, highlighting the intersection of environmental, cultural, and social concerns in the affected area.

The poster depicts the municipality’s emblematic reindeers being swept away by the force of wind turbines, while intricately showcasing a detailed depiction of a «sieidi,» a sacred Sami offering stone after which Sieiddeduottar is named, symbolizing the collision between modern development and indigenous heritage.