In 2013, a collaborative effort between Antirasistisk senter/Nállevealaheamivuostásaš guovddáš and Jurddabeassi gave birth to the «Sámi Mythbuster». This pioneering project aimed to dispel prevalent myths surrounding the Sámi people and their society. Supported by the Sámi Parliament/Sámediggi and the Fritt Ord Foundation, the venture became a platform for challenging misconceptions and fostering understanding.
The «Sámi Mythbuster» project enlisted the contributions of Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Audun Lona, Eirik Myrhaug, Kari Helene Partapuoli, Kajsa Kemi Gjerpe and Camilla Brattland. Their collective efforts solidified the project’s impact and comprehensive approach to debunking myths related to Sámi culture, heritage, and identity.
I contributed to the «Sámi Mythbuster» project as the designer responsible for creating illustrations, web page and a logo that brought visual appeal and identity to the initiative.